剛看完了一本書 -祕密-
看完了-祕密-後, 整各人都變得比之前開心!
超可怕........... 的事情!!
去了一些可怕的地方! 見了一些可怕的人!
流了多少的眼淚..... 失去了多少的睡眠時間...
Friday, October 31, 2008
Posted by Nes nEs at 11:13 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
I am thinking about my future study.
Where should i go?
NYC or Canada?
Any comment or suggestion to me?
I told my bf, he is so happy that if i leave to oversea for study.
Then he will be alone in Malaysia and be more free.
He can date with other girl and can go wherever without inform me.
That's what he answered me after i informed him about this news.
Make me so angry!!
Then i told him, he need to on his computer every moment!
So i can chat with him every day with using the webcam.
I am so happy that i can study in oversea.
What i need to do now is work hard,get more income,save $$,
get more dance experience from teaching and class,
learn english, practice yoga and dance everyday!
I believe i can do it. ^o^
This Friday me and Rachel will going to astro for a TV show.
Rachel will appear on astro (huan xi tai) a hok kian channel.
I will accompany her, i promised Ms Liew that i will take care of her since Rachel
don't have much experience of it.
Posted by Nes nEs at 6:13 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 12, 2008
Never forget
I have so much things to say.. I have so much things to talk.
I have so much things to think about.
But lazy to move my fingers to typing, lazy to open my mouth..
Lazy to use my brain..
So only write some in this post lol..
Today i went to a place, dislike the place..
I think no one would like the place.
The place make me so scary, worries, tired..
Won't go the place anymore i hope.
Tomorrow will going to temple (bai bai).
Hope god can forgive us!
Finding way to get more extra income.
If not, i don't know how long i still can (tahan).
After 4 months, should become more better i think.
Because the car load almost finish.
So every month can save RM800.. ^o^
Posted by Nes nEs at 9:15 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Yoga practical reports.....Make me headache..
Currently busy for my yoga teacher training course>>part of practical<<>>just try my best<<
Today is my off day, not going out for shop shop and any meal..
Staying in home, do the report.. Make the report done in 2 weeks, can i??
Still have 24 foundation class, 20 level class, 6 foundation class(phei yeen), 15 assistance class and 7 practical class haven't finished..
Actually i have no much time to attend those class, now busy for teaching and working..
Hadda preparing the class plan.. Some times didn't prepared then just follow my mood.
Luckily no one know i didn't prepared :p
Posted by Nes nEs at 1:57 PM 0 comments
付 出 回 报
是 否 付 出 过 就 会 有 回 报 ?
一 年 多 前 , 有 位 现 已 绝 交 的 朋 友 这 样 对 我 说 过 。
她 说 JASMINE的 男 友 又 买 名 牌 给 她 了 , 你 有 吗 ?
因 为 JASMINE的 男 友 在 他 们 刚 开 始 拍 拖 时 是 没 钱 的 。
有 时 候JASMINE还 会 帮 她 的 男 友 把 车 子 给 打 满 油 , 还 会 经 常 帮 忙 付 钱 给 吃 的 。
但 过 不 久 , 她 的 男 友 变 得 富 有 了 , 不 只 买 名 牌 给 她 , 还 提 供 吃 喝 玩 乐 衣 食 住 行 。 蛮 令 人 羡 慕 地 。
我 朋 友 会 这 样 跟 我 讲 的 原 因 是 其 实 我 也 那 样 地 和 我 男 友 辛 苦 过 。
但 在 和 我 朋 友 绝 交 前 , 她 是 还 不 知 道 现 在 我 和 我 男 友 地 生 活 。
在 她 眼 里 , 我 男 友 是 坏 的 , 对 我 不 好 地 。
因 为 她 都 知 道 我 男 友 曾 经 背 叛 过 我 。
从 那 件 事 过 后 , 我 和 他 的 感 情 都 变 得 更 成 熟 了 。
我 对 他 付 出 过 地 , 现 已 得 到 回 报 。
只 可 惜 我 坏 朋 友 却 看 不 到 。
现 在 很 多 人 都 很 羡 慕 我 , 因 为 有 位 好 好 地 男 人 疼 我 。
而 我 现 在 也 不 必 烦 金 钱 地 问 题 了 。 他 已 经 在 养 着 我 了 。
对 , 是 现 在 。 还 没 结 婚 啦 。 不 一 定 要 等 到 结 婚 才 可 以 养 我 地 。
其 实 , 如 果 你 真 真 地 有 对 人 付 出 过 , 即 使 是 默 默 地 , 那 人 肯 定 会 知 道 。
至 于 回 报 , 那 就 要 看 命 运 了。
Posted by Nes nEs at 2:00 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
August'08 ~~Yoga~~ YTC~~
1) Blair~~Me>Agnes Meisan~~Chris~~Julia
2) Celebrating with all YTC students for Blair&Julia
3) Last day 12/8/08>>The Dance City<<
2008 yoga teacher training course students
4) Agnes Meisan/Julia Graham/Emma and 2 litter sisters
>>Kuala Lumpur Pavillion<< for lunch ^o^Hi all ^o^ almost 2 weeks didn't add new post already..
I just completed the YTC class,theory part.. Now starting a new part of YTC>>observation and
assistance.. And already started to teaching yoga class lol
I just started my new job in TDC, today is 4th day already lol
Actually nothing special, just do some easy paper work and teaching class only...
But just the first four days lol
Every Wednesday and Thursday i hadda wake up at 630am, because need to start work at 730am.. Yes!! Is morning, not evening!! Damm...
Already don't know how many year didn't wake up before 11am!!! Shit lol
Try my best!!! I will try to join the yoga class at 830am and 930am..
And no forget to do surya namaska- sun salutation.. haha...
I will see how long i can tahan (^_^) Give me some times lol
Never work for full time job!!!
All the jobs that i worked before are less working hour and with high pay!!!!!
Basically RM120 for 4 hours or RM240 for 6 hours~~
Can easy to earn up to RM3000-5000++ every month..
Now long working hour with low pay, but never mind~~~
Because i am under dance instructor trainee..TRAINEE without experience..
The offer from TDC is good lah.. As long as i can accepted lol
Talking about YTC first:::
I really like our theory class teachers..Blair and Julia..
Not only me, all of us also love and miss them so much...
Hoping they will come Asia again.. So that we can learn yoga from both of them..
Hope can make it soon... ^o^
Julia said she planning to go Bali, so we can go Bali join some yoga workshop with her..
Good ^o^ Make it as soon as possible
Importantly is save more money first.. Am i right??
Posted by Nes nEs at 12:58 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 4, 2008
22 years old birthday
22 years old this year already.. Why so fast?? Am i old?? Oh no!!!
This year, my birthday only celebrated with my family only...
Went to Ampang having a nice korean stone bbq steamboat..
Really very nice ^o^
RM150 only for 5 person..
Celebrated without best friends,friends~~
Nothing different..Really!!!
Without friends, i happy..
No many present, i happy..
Don't need waist much money, of cause happy lol ^o^
My birthday present for this year:
Light on yoga
Human anatomy book
and few dance magazines...
Not expensive, not special...
But i like it...
That's what i need and want and look for..
Next year 23rd birthday, i would like to ask them buy for me some dance cloths or shoes..
Expensive.. haha...
Posted by Nes nEs at 4:02 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Yoga Teacher Training Course-Theory Class
Long time didn't add new post, is because i've very busy for my yoga theory class..
I likes the theory class that teaching by two lovely and professional yoga instructors from Ca...
Really gain more experience from them, learning more different things from them..
Few days ago, i just received mail from my teacher- Miss Liew(teacher joey) ^o^
She said: Keep on the good work, more importantly is gain from experience..
I won't forget what she mentioned..
These two weeks really really very very TIRED and busy...
Teacher Blair taught us Astanga Yoga, is more hardly than Hatha Yoga...
And we continued practice the asana work for three hours.. Never experience it...
Very hard and tired, but i like it (^o^)
Hope will have Yoga workshop in the future, so that i still got chance to learn more from the two lovely teachers..
20/8/08 i need to teach yoga class in sungai long.. I haven't ready yet.. I still haven't complete
the 80 hours yoga foundation.. I only joined yoga class for 50++ hours..
I need to preparing from now..
12nd august'08 is the last yoga theory class, times gone so fast, 60 hours yoga theory class complete in 3 weeks.. Only 57 hours, but i gain/learn/experience a lot from teacher Blair and Julia ^_^ Thanks~~~
Posted by Nes nEs at 11:12 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
September >> A nEw beGin<<
I will start my first long term permanent job in September'08
Tomorrow will going to meet my boss and sign my first contract
So i am a girl under contract and can not teaching in other dance school
I am so happy, because all my request of the job scope and salary, my boss agreed..
I am just wondering why i so lucky?? haha... Kidding~~
I no need worries about money problem and no need always make interview..
Because i not going to continue event job.. It's my final decision..
I really tired in event line, tired to arrange interview, tired to find people work,
tired to worries payment problem, tired to deal with client..
I am just want to work in TDC, get monthly fix salary, do some easy paper work,
teaching and join many of different kind of dance classes..
Easy right??
That is what i need and want!!!
I hope i can help TDC solve down all problem, i will try my best!
I know got many student complain TDC management problem, so i hope i can help!!!
I will really to work hard ^o^
Trust me...
Go gO Go!!!
Posted by Nes nEs at 11:55 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 11, 2008
结束 开始
最近我都常跟自己说 -什么事都要亲力亲为- 这样才会成功!
谢谢 Mr Kwan and Miss Liew ^o^
Posted by Nes nEs at 4:08 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 10, 2008
GiRL iN LoSs BUT fInAlly gEt wHat I wAnt
I think this time only is my real time to starting my new life.. Changing~~
I am so very luckily, because i have my real best friends/family members and 2 very important persons to help me!!!
They keep help me to changing a more wonderful and meaningful life..
Last few days, i still considering many many many about my future!!
I lost... I do not know what should do, but dance still in my mind... ^o^
Today i make a good decision~~ I do not know will change again or not, because nobody
know what will happen in the future right??
Hope every things will be alright for me ya~~~
After get full payment from the bad client (pub), i will consider to stop all event job..
Really disappointed.. And also very tired to do any about event.. No more meaningful..
Some more don't think i have extra time to manage girl already~~
Me will working in TDC soon, finally i go back to a place that i started my meaningful life..
And continue my meaningful and busy life.. haha...
So in my future life is only working in TDC, Teaching dance, Dance classes, Dance show only...
Wow!! Good ^_^ I like it~~~
Next Monday on, i will become a very very very busy girl.. I need to work for Marlboro job..
Attend yoga class and the theory class will start on 24th July...
I have no extra time to sleep and watch TV show already, haha...
The 2 very important persons really helped me much much much!!!
I owe them much much much too!!
Now i only hope i can collect the full payment from the pub, then every things about event are settle and END!!
Please.. Tonight i must get pay from the pub ah!!!
Posted by Nes nEs at 2:16 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
最近才发现,原来我 需要的 喜欢的---不是名牌!
名牌的服饰,一班只会和我去花钱 浪费钱的朋友!
能容纳我舞蹈书本 舞衣 舞鞋 毛巾 钱包 铅笔盒 手机 笔记本
需要的是舞蹈杂志 教育书 和 对我有用的书。
加油 加油!!!
Posted by Nes nEs at 3:19 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 9, 2008
我还有一位永远都支持我的人~~ ^_^ SWEET ^o^
Posted by Nes nEs at 3:37 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Posted by Nes nEs at 6:37 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 18, 2008
2004 年是我人生转变的一年,2008 年也是我人生转变的一年。
-mei san,在新的一年要有新的开始-
Posted by Nes nEs at 9:20 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 17, 2008
"朋友" 我需要吗?
那糟糕,另人讨厌,不想再回想的烂生活,从现在起永远都不会再出现在我的美丽日子里 ^o^
喝茶,夜蒲,下午茶,唱K,Shopping,看戏,聊天,我的假期都不需要你们 ^_^
Posted by Nes nEs at 4:10 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 15, 2008
美杉 "21岁" 生日~~现在才与你们分享
Jamie, Jia Jia, Me, Tiffy, Carmen~~
Me and darling loh~~ Seldom take photo with him~~ Because i don't like to
take photo..hahaGroup photo ^o^
Johnny, Jacky, Jeffery, Jamie, Jia, Me, Darling, Tiffy, Carmen, Evelyn..
And still got 1 guy but i forgot his name already..hehe
In Neway..
They all reached at 830pm but i told them reach at 7pm..
It's my friends attitude..
What's my birthday wish?? Hmm.. Really forgot already.. But i think is about
My birthday present is Coach bag from darling..
Versace perfume and some some from friends..
I love that :)
But long time didn't hang out with them already :(
All busy busy busy...No money No money :(
Me too :p haha~~~
Posted by Nes nEs at 3:17 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 4, 2008
I started teaching dance class loo ^_^
I just back from The Dance City/Yoga City, just finished a dance class..
But, i am not a student in the class ^o^ I am a teacher in the class of DCPC.
Today i taught them some Tap step/ Turning/ Triple run.. This time is more
more better than last CDPC class that i taught.. This time everything going
smoothly and my student knew what i was teaching.. Ha ha... Is because i am not
lazy, i went to Kinokuniya and Borders last week and bought some dance book/magazine..
1) Teaching Children Dance RM 150.00++
2) Yoga For Children RM 50.00++
3) Dance RM 15.00++
4) Yoga Life RM 12.00
5) Yoga Life RM 9.00
6) Dance Magazine RM 24.00++
7) Yoga For Your Type RM 50.00
8) Body Story RM 28.00++
9) Step By Step Ballet Class RM 50.00++
Wow!!!!! RM 400.00++~~~Damm poor now :(
But i think these books and magazines can for me to use for a long time :)
I can't shop in book shop, i will become poor girl~~~
Hope can get more job and earn more money lah.. If not, my bank book will show
RM 0.00 already.. Woooooooowooooowoooooo...
Posted by Nes nEs at 7:53 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 24, 2008
新发型 好运来啰~~~
I just cut my hair and did reponding ..
Why suddenly did it???
Is because in this year, my life became bad and bad..
So my darling and my mother ask me to change new hair style
and cut a bit ^-^
After i cut my hair, i felt my life really become good and lucky :)
I get more jobs after i did it~~ Means i earn more and more money loz~~
hahahahahahahahahaha ^o^
So isn't a good news??
Now what should i do is work more hardly for all jobs and learn
more hardly for all kinds of dance a_a
If i still believe luck and still be a lazy girl, don't think i can go
oversea on coming year :)
Hope this new hair style will keep bringing me more good luck and
more jobs and more more money ^o^
Posted by Nes nEs at 1:12 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 21, 2008
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Bad :( Sad :( Stress :(
I hate these few days, all the bad things came to me!!!
I hate working, hate driving, hate meeting, hate all the client..
Why?? Why me???
Why now a day, work in line of event/modeling are so difficult!!!
Why all the client are same?? All delay payment..
Cheating my payment, only few thousand ringgit..
Just a litter money also don't want to pay me!!!
I need to use my money to pay my girl?? No way!!
What can i do??? I only can try my best to keep calling, keep asking them everyday~~
Waist my money to sms and call them, actually my money is not worth to use for that bad
client, right??
Why?? Why me??? Why play me???
Really feel like to stop all the jobs and stop every things in KL.
I wanna leave from KL~~~
Don't want to stay here anymore..
Don't want meet all event freelancer, don't want meet my friends!!!
Only connect with my darling and family~~~
Where should i go???
A place of peaceful/happiness/fresh air/nobody know me~~~
Ya~~~ Ice island~~~ ^o^
Go alone!!!
Nobody accompany me, nobody chat with me, nobody ask me,
nobody play with me, nobody share food with me!!!
Having 3 meal alone, read book alone, sleep alone, dance alone, sing alone,
play alone, shopping alone, walk alone, watch TV alone, drink alone, swim alone,
clubbing alone~~~
Bring 2 bags~~~
few tops, few pants, few skirts, few dresses, 1 slipper, 1 spot shoes, 1 shocks, 1 high heels,
all makeup tools in a small bag, sun glasses, some medicine, ballet tap jazz point shoes,
yoga map, note book, pen, book, map, hand phone, cash, credit cards.. That's all~~
Don't ask where am i~~ Don't ask who am i~~ Don't ask my name~~
Don't ask my age~~ Don't ask where i from~~ Don't ask how long i stay~~
Don't talk to me, just leave me alone..
I won't stay in hotel, because i am just a poor litter girl~~
My money only for my meal,dance class fees..
I will try to work in dance school and sleep in dance school..
So that i don't need to pay for accommodation :)
Just dance for whole day.. No stress, very relax to enjoy my whole day :)
That's what i need now~~
Posted by Nes nEs at 8:00 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 17, 2008
开始教舞蹈课啰 ^o^
Am i a top student in ballet class?? haha... don't know!! Only know that i am a lazy student!!
So i stop to dance almost 4 years..
But this year 2008 i decided to continue all my dance classes..
But need a lot money to pay the fees ya~~~
So i decided to supply girl to work as a dinner girl in night club.
Only this way i can earn more money and got time to go for dance classes..
Today i think is my lucky day,because aunt Amy's told me that,my lovely teacher Miss Liew's
asked me start to teaching dance class.
So happy but afraid something..
Because i am not really understanding what is CDPC class..
So i don't know what should i prepare?? what should i teach??
what should i tell my student?? What should i wear??
Ballet mix yoga?? Yoga mix jazz?? Ballet mix modern dance?? Tap mix mordern dance??
I'll try my best~~ I believe i can do it well~~
I can't make my teacher/family/boy friend/friends disappoint again~~
all of them will supporting me always right??
Tomorrow wanna go KLCC Kinokuniya book store buy a book.
Last few day i bought a book from there-Step by Step Ballet Class-..
This time i want buy -How to teach children dance-..
I think i need it and the book is useful for me~~~
RM 100++ is that worth??
Why all dance books are so expensive??
Posted by Nes nEs at 12:03 AM 0 comments
Thursday, April 3, 2008
瑜伽是我新生活的重要部份.. 以前喜爱舞蹈的我,从未想过要接触这门神圣的运动~~
但这门运动越来越热,越来越多人学.. 我真不明白??
但今年因为某个人 某个原因 某个机会下,我和瑜伽结缘咯~~~
就是这样,我>>美杉<< 爱上这门辛苦但我享受的运动~~ :)
那种筋~~肌肉的疼痛... 我已习惯,也学会享受 :)
Posted by Nes nEs at 2:34 PM 0 comments
Saturday, March 29, 2008
My Dream :)
首选就是Canada~~ Hong Kong~~ Taiwan~~ India~~ Australia!!
最近常问自己~~ 明年尾能吗??
学费够吗?? 生活费够吗?? 需要准备多少钱留在马来西亚给家人??
不过我也不是那么的衰啦!!! 我还有我妈..我妹..我弟..还有我这辈子最能依靠的男人 :)
Even i am not a christian :)
依我的性格.. 我的家庭压力.. 我的耐性..
我的梦会实现吗?? 我的他会一直帮我吗??
不知道当梦想实现的感觉是如何的呢?? :) ?? ^o^
Posted by Nes nEs at 4:35 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 28, 2008
My feets in my point shoes..Do you know what's the feeling when i wear the point shoes??
Answer is PAIN pain PAIN!!!!!Other than painful i can't find a best answer to you~~
就快四年了..庆幸的是我放弃的时间不到满四年 :)
2008是我的新开始..继续习舞..这才是我要的 :)
Posted by Nes nEs at 4:46 PM 0 comments
My first post
This is my first post :)
Don't know wanna type what!!
Just wanna said i am just finish my yoga class :)
Really tired but feel good..haha...
?????Feel good??
After you join then will know what i meant..
See my dance shoes??>>Tap shoes,ballet charater shoes,ballet point shoes<<
I belive my dance shoes will bring along happy to me ^o^
Tomorrow will tell you my dance story :)
Posted by Nes nEs at 12:53 AM 0 comments